Cure & Care | An Exclusive Multi Speciality Pharmacy and Clinic in Eastern India
What Is Allopathy?
The method of medical practice that treats any disease with the help of medicines is known as Allopathy. These medicines produce the opposite effect from that produced by the disease. The term allopathy was coined by C.F.S. Hahnemann in 1842. It designates a particular practice of medicine. Dr. Hahneman wanted to differentiate this system from the usual practices of Homeopathy prevalent during that time. This branch of medical treatment teaches that any disease originates from outside the body mainly through germs. According to the allopathic medical model, localized problems that cannot be treated with medicines should be treated surgically. Although drugs or medicines do not completely cure any disease they are of utmost importance in Allopathy.
There are a handful of benefits in allopathy, they are as follows:
Allopathy is used to treat life-threatening illness and injuries.
It takes less time than any other medical treatment.
Due to advancement in modern treatment methods, allopathy treatment uses tests to detect the source of any disease and cure it.
Surgical procedures repair or remove organs and tissues which can damage the body.
Broken bones and joints in the body are repaired or replaced through surgeries.

Multispeciality Clinic & Pharmacy
Address: BF 19, Saltlake, Sec – 1 Kolkata, West Bengal, India 700064
+91 6290828984 (Allopathy)
+91 6290828985 (Homoeopathy)
+91 6290828986 (Clinic)
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